WWII Italian Army
Soft Skin Vehicles


CinC M13/40
A fine model, but the barrels are fairly weak...

...and the H&R Version.  It looks OK at a distance, but close up, it really is fairly marginal.

GHQ M13/40
This is the early version, dating back to the 1970s.  Unlike modern GHQ models, the pin to hold the turret on was on the hull, and stuck into a hole in the bottom of the turret.  Gun is also far weaker than on the modern version.

Here are more shot, including the obsolete turret pin system

GHQ M11/39
Another very old GHQ model.  Hull guns all broke off, and were replaced by plastic stock.

Manufacturer unknown, probably H&R

Early war Italian tankette, saw service in Spanish Civil War and Ethiopia.  Manufacturer unknown, paint job appalling.

GHQ L6/40
An excellent light tank model from GHQ; they call it the M6, but I believe all Italian light tanks had names starting with "L."

H&R Version


Italian mid-war heavy tank.  While it never served in any significant capacity with Italian forces (it came into service just as they exited the war), the Germans continued production and use some.  I painted it up in a speculative Italian camo pattern.

Carro Veloce Sahariana
Proposed Italian vehicle for desert service, 3D printed from Dragoman

GHQ Carro Commando and Semovente da 75/18
Easily one of my all-time favorite models.

CinC Carro Commando

CinC Semovente 75

H&R Semovente 75

H&R Semovente M43 da 105

A mid-war Italian assault gun, based on a widened M13 chassis.  Saw limited (if any) service with the Italians, but, like the P40, was produced in Italian factories by the Germans.  Painted up in a hypothetical Italian scheme.  I think this is the 105mm version, but could be the 75mm version...

H&R Semovente da 47
Early war 47mm AT gun armed tank destroyer

Another Version

GHQ Semovente da 47
A much better model from GHQ

CinC AB42

CinC AB41


75mm Cannone with SPA TL37 Prime Mover
Another excellent set from GHQ

100mm Obise with SPA TL37 Prime Mover
An excellent model from GHQ, but fairly pricey with only 2 towed guns, 2 deployed guns, and 2 small trucks per pack.

These are the same models mounted and with GHQ Italian desert infantry
I textured the bases with glue and sand... once again, the photos are really too washed out.

47mm AT Gun With SPA CL39 Prime Mover
An excellent set of models from GHQ, which includes crewmen, though the GHQ website does not show them.

20mm AA Gun With SPA CL39 Prime Mover
Another excellent set from GHQ

Autocannone 65/17 su Morris
This is the common Italian 65mm infantry gun mounted on a Morris (captured?) truck chassis.  Made by Armstrong models, there are at least three variants, with the crew in different poses and the gun aimed in a different direction.

Autocannone 102/35 su CM50
This is a rather unique model from Armstrong Models.  Its an Italian 102mm naval gun on a self-propelled chassis, used for coastal defense, and ultimately pressed into wider service.  A very interesting and well detailed model.

Armstrong 75mm Su Cerraino
Another excellent self-propelled mount from Armstrong

Armstrong 100mm Su Lancia 3RO

H&R Lancia 3RO 90mm SP Gun
A self-propelled 90mm gun on a truck chassis.  There is a GHQ version of this as well that I intend to get.  Overall, not a bad model.

This is the Armstrong version, which is considerably better


The following shots are all of Italian infantry from GHQ.  I'm far more impressed with these models than I am with their moderns (which are good, don't get me wrong).  The wide variety of weapons and poses looks great, and paints up nicely.  I do intend to mount these eventually, but I'm waiting for another 300 stands to come in from Wargames Accessories.

These are riflemem along with an officer

Breda Light Machine Guns and a spotter

Breda 8mm Machine Gun teams

Grenade Thrower, Rifleman (middle), and Submachinegunner

Brixia 45mm Mortar (really more of a grenade launcher)

These are the models mounted up on stands

I did up a second batch of Italians, and this time tried to do a better job on the bases, as I was not happy with those above.  I used sand from my boys' sandbox, mixed with white glue, and painted and washed repeatedly.
Command Group
... and I know the headgear is wrong, just failed to fix it.

81mm Mortar


New H&R Infantry
H&R kindly sent me an array of their new Italian infantry models.  They are truly excellent, and a must for any collector or wargamer, both due to their quality and the wide arrange of posed.  Of particular interest are the array of support weapons, engineers and leaders.  I haven't based the figures yet, but will update the page when I do so.

Infantry Strip

Another Infantry Strip

Flamethrower Engineers

Command Figures

Brixia 45mm Mortar Stands

Minesweeper Sprue

Line Charge Sprue

Minelaying Sprue

Breda Medium Machine Gun Team

81mm Mortar Team

Infantry Figures

Command Figures


Command and Radio Figures

Light Machine Gun Teams

Soft Skin Vehicles


Desert raider vehicle from GHQ.  Comes with a wide variety of armaments, but could really use some crewmembers.

TS37 Autoprotetto
Lightly armored personnel carrier; model is from Masters of Military and is 3D printed

Dovunque-Viberti Radio truck
Also from Armstrong Models

SPA35 Dovunque
GHQ Italian medium trucks.  These are eBay rehabs, and were not in great shape when I got them, but I stripped them down and did the best I could.


A fine new model from H&R and Armstrong

"Gypsy Caravan"
A very unusual model from PewterCraft, long out of production.  Doesn't give a specific model number, but has a lot of character.

H&R model of the common Italian prime mover.  An excellent model.


C.R.42 Falco
A fine model from GHQ.  It takes a little assembling, but it goes together cleanly.  My paint jobs are decidedly mediocre, but probably the best I can do for now.  The excellent decals are from I-94 Enterprises.


Standar Italian fight, with decals from I-94.  Model is manufactured by Raiden, and is quite a good deal.

RE. 2000
Nice model from H&R

MC.202 Saetta
A model from Leading Edge miniatures.  Decals are from I-94 and random numbers from the scrap box.  I still haven't decided how I'm going to mount these on flying stands. (Not the G50, as a number of people told me after I first identified it as such...)

MC205V Veltro
... or at least I think that is what it is.  From Leading Edge miniatures.  A decal on one of them chipped after it was dry.  

Ambrosini SAI207
A resin model from PT Dockyard of a prototype-only fighter.  Unfortunately, this one was not completely molded.

Another version of the same model, this one with better molding.

Caproni CA380 Corsaro
Another resin model of a prototype-only fighter from PT Dockyard.  Also a poor casting.

BA 65
H&R model of an early war general utility military aircraft

Caprone CA310
Italian light bomber from H&R.  I really don't do a good job on the white striping.

Cant Z1007
Three-engined Italian bomber from Leading Edge miniatures.  Mounted on new heavyweight bomber stands I worked up.

SM.79 Sparviero
Medium bomber from Leading Edge miniatures.  The tail crosses are decals from I-94 enterprises, which conviently includes white strips on its Italian decal sheet.

ISM version of the same aircraft

Also the ISM model, with a different paint scheme

Another bomber model from Leading Edge.

ISM version of the same aircraft, with brass wire machine guns

Italian heavy bomber from H&R -- an absolutely huge model, very well done

Comparison shot with RE.2000 for scale

Cant Z.506
A massive Italian seaplane.  Kind of a cool model from H&R.

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